Administrative duties & positions
Current actions
- Head of the Forschungsgruppe EPÆG (Ergonomie, Psychologische Æsthetik, Gestaltung), Bamberg (since 08/2010)
- Scientific advisory board member for the TurmDerSinne (Science hands-on museum on perceptual phenomena), located in Nuremberg, Germany (since 04/2012)
- Scientific advisory board member for the RESPONSIBILITY Consortium of the Fraunhofer-Institute for Production Systems, located in Berlin, Germany (since 06/2012)
- Chairman of master qualification [Vorsitzender der Mastereignungskommission], Universität Bamberg (since 04/2013); Member [Mitglied] since 04/2011
- Deputy chairman of diploma studies [Stellvertretender Diplomausschussvorsitzender Psychologie], Universität Bamberg (since 04/2011)
- Member of the PhD board [Promotionsausschussmitglied der Fakultät HuWi], Universität Bamberg (since 10/2011)
- Representative for foreign affairs [Auslandsbeauftragter der Fakultät HuWi], Universität Bamberg (since 06/2013)
- Head of the Graduate School of Affective and Cognitive Sciences (BaGrACS), Bamberg, Germany (since 06/2013)
- Library representative of the faculty [Bibliotheksbeauftragter der Fakultät HuWi], Universität Bamberg (since 10/2013)
- Member of the faculty council [Fakultätsratsmitglied der Fakultät HuWi], Universität Bamberg (since 10/2013)
- Multiple editorships, see section Editorial Boards
Past actions
- EU Sokrates commissioner for the Freie Universität Berlin (FU Berlin); coordinator for the University of Glasgow (2004-2005)
- Scientific advisory council for the European Customer Satisfaction Association (Eucusa), located in Vienna and Berlin (since 01/2008)
- 2nd chairman of the non-profit organization “Aesthetics, Design and Ergonomics”,
Vienna (04/2005-07/2010) - Speaker of the Special Research Unit “Psychological aesthetics and cognitive ergonomics” (ZVR-Zahl 394490540), Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna (2006-08/2008)
- Co-Organizer of the scientific congress “KogWis” in Bamberg 2012 (2010-2012)
- Member of the program committee of the European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP) in Alghero, Italy 2012
- Member of the program committee of the Visual Science of Art Conference (VSAC) in Alghero, Italy 2012